[grid@hadoop1 hadoop-1.2.1]$ cat ./conf/mastershadoop2
[grid@hadoop1 hadoop-1.2.1]$ cat ./conf/core-site.xmlfs.checkpoint.period 20 The number of seconds between two periodic checkpoints. fs.default.name hdfs://hadoop1:9000 hadoop.tmp.dir /home/grid/hadoop-1.2.1/tmp
配置 dfs.http.address,如果不配置,secondary namenode同步文件夹永远为空
[grid@hadoop1 hadoop-1.2.1]$ cat ./conf/hdfs-site.xmldfs.http.address hadoop1:50070 The address and the base port where the dfs namenode web ui will listen on.If the port is 0 then the server will start on a free port. dfs.replication 2